What Will It Be? (Non-Tea Post)


Today I had my last doctors appointment before heading out to Las Vegas for the World Tea Expo next week.  Today was like any typical appointment.  Doctor checked on my blood sugar levels to make sure things were still under control.  Lucky for me things are looking good and I will not have to adjust my insulin, I do despise injections.  She of course check for the babies heartbeat.  Baby’s heart is beating like a champ.  Fortunately, this time the baby wasn’t sleeping so were will able to do a lot of observing.  There was a lot of movement from rolling around to near summersaults.  This kid has literally been kicking my butt all day.  Things have progressed so much now that I even feel kicking and punching in my upper belly.  I can’t believe I am near halfway done.  I feel things are moving so much quicker this time than the last.

So still the big question still remains, am I having a girl or a boy?  After over 15 mins of intense searching and carefully placed pressure we are no closer now than last time to finding out.  However, here is what I can tell you.

1. The baby is already near 1lb.

2. Probably near 8 inches in length

3. Most of all happy, healthy, and active.

Looks like for now we will have to wait another two weeks when I see my specialist.  They have the high tech machines and have to do a head to toe ultrasound to make sure everything looks great on the baby.  At that time we should most likely have the answers we are looking for.

I will tell you that though my doctor couldn’t confirm anything today she did say she did not see at all what would have looked like “boy parts” so at this point we are leaning towards another girl.  So maybe my daughter will have a new sister.  I just can’t say for now.

I guess this means I will have to pickup both a blue and pink onesie in Las Vegas.

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