Month: April 2016

Pre-Op Matcha

I’ll keep this one short. I have officially entered “Phase Two” of my weight loss journey. After Gastric Bypass in 2014 and nearly 110lbs lost through surgery, hard work, healthy eating, and exercise I have lost and maintained a healthy weight. Despite all my efforts I wasn’t able to avoid the excess skin. As a result tomorrow I head in… Read more →

Skipping Wine for Tea

My passion without a doubt is tea. I have devoted hours, days, and years to drinking it, learning about it, and even writing about it. However, I am a woman of many desires and passions. For example wine or more specifically red wine. I typically enjoy between 3-5oz of red wine about 4 times a week. Generally I have wine… Read more →

I Didn’t Do It! – cried the Tea

“I Didn’t Do It!” – cried the Tea Let me help solve a the growing mystery around tea and MY weight loss. Was it tea that helped me lose over 100lbs. I hope the answer is obvious but if it isn’t I’ll make myself perfectly clear right now…NO! If tea could do that for me then I would never have… Read more →

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