The Bad, The Ugly, A New Hope for 2017?

The Bad, The Ugly, A New Hope for 2017?

This was one of those years where I found that even a cup of tea wasn’t enough to lick my wounds, lift my spirits, and bring me peace. Let’s face it 2016 was not a good year. Maybe you had an amazing year or even one you could live with. I on the other hand did not.

We had so much loss. So many admired and accomplished people have passed away. Too many too early. It has been crushing to see so many leave us. Forever remembered, never forgotten.

Then it is the uncertainty of what’s to come of this country I live in. The country I call home. The only real place I know. It is terrifying to know that I may never in my lifetime or the lifetime of my children be on equal footing. All I have ever wanted is to just be known as a human being. I do not want to be identified only by my gender and country of origin. The decisions of 2016 seems to favor the later. So here is my plan, coming from someone that has faced her own mortality more than once I know life is short. No matter the struggle, I will not let it go to waste and I will always pursue happiness even though giving up is so much easier.

On top of all this I have endured a number of medical and personal issues. Through it all I still fight. I am fighter, I always have been. Normally, when I’m down I reach for a cup of tea. However, the real struggle, is the lack of balance. Things have been so insanely one sided this year that even the strongest cup of tea seems not to take the edge off.

What’s next? I think it’s time to refresh the journey. Start from “scratch” as it were? Bring on 2017. If there was anything I’ve ever learned it is that only I can control my own actions. Aside from that I can’t control a thing. So it is important for me to shift gears. Time to get out of the dark and into the light.

In efforts to find the “silver lining” or to see the “bright side” I shall embrace all the wonderful things. For example my son has started talking more. My daughter has been excelling with her homeschooling, martial arts, and her first year playing the flute. There is a strong possibility she is on the verge of having her first straight “A’s” for the semester. I for one have been doing well staying fit, active, and healthy. It’s been over two years since I’ve lost over 100lbs and I’m keeping it off.

Then there was the tea. Tea somehow is always at the center of my existence. So much tea was had this year. So many varieties, so many fun recipes with tea. I cooked with tea, I made tea lattes, and I kept it traditional. Tea is so amazingly versatile and sexy. Yes, tea is sexy! Tea is hot, strong, sometimes delicate, sweet, spicy, multilayered, smart, sophisticated, fun, complicated, simple, and the best is tea can handle hot water and the cold with grace. Everything I look for in a man but with hardly any of the work. Best part is if I get bored I just try another. Ok, now I’m just being sassy and I love it. As they say, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”

With that said I am taking the high road for 2017. Looking for the good and where I can’t find it I’ll make some. I will start with a short list of the “Best of 2016 Teas” as per me. Stay tuned!


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