Video: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker: 1st Use

Please be gentle this is my first ever video that I have made with the intent of sharing with all my tea friends. It is a little long and a little boring but still I hope it captures my excitement I was feeling when I finally got my first chance to use this lovely Christmas gift I received from my… Read more →

White Peony Tea (Bai MuDan) – Teavivre

Today I tried my first of many tea samples I received so generously from Teavivre. I decided to give this one a try first but not for your typical reasons. There are those that eat dessert first and those that wait patiently after the main course. Even those that eat what they dislike most because your mom says you must… Read more →

Hong Jing Luo (Black Tea) – thepuriTea

Let me start by saying that I am thankful January is here, majority of the major holidays have been celebrated and my daughters birthday is behind us. I mention this because finally I will hopefully have more time to make, enjoy, and review all of my new teas and old favorites. One of my New Years resoltions was to make… Read more →

My Daughters 5th Birthday Calls for…Milk Oolong

Just recently ordered some more Milk Oolong. The freshest batch since they restocked. I found this to be just as delicious as the last batch. The only difference I noticed is as follows… 1. More delicate 2. More subtle creamyness 3. A lot more balanced in flavor I made this first on December 31st 2011 and used it to make… Read more →

Magic Carpet Tea – Oolong & Date Blend Review

First, I would like to thank Magic Carpet Tea for sending such a generous sample. I would also like to apologize for the delay in reviewing this tea. I would like to review this tea as objectively as possible. I have never tried this combinations of flavors in a tea before but I did have high hopes. I love oolong… Read more →

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