Tea-Fast: Day 7 – The End Is Here!
Events From: 3/17/2013 (St. Patrick’s Day)
Documented: 3/18/2013
The Journey
The seconds tick by slowly.
My friends and family members try to annoy me.
Out of love they say
Jolly games they play
Tealeaves and brew you show me
Angst fills my heart, my mind, my cup but I will not show thee
Rebirth, strength, and confidence fill me
Their teasing only fuels me
Now minutes tick by without a second goodbye
Tea shall always be by my side
As a friend not a foe
No day will I ever go
Hours fly by, my friends tempt me with lies
Drink they say, you have nothing to prove
I throw fuel to the fire; their temptations make me go higher.
Push myself to end
One week it has been
Believe in they did or maybe did not
I know I will make it
Tea will not take me with it
Those around me support me
Without fail they tease me
Send good thoughts and good feelings
I see it was love, it always had been
They may not know but torture and teasing and good will only propels me
My future was sealed by those all around me
Your own personal form of support got me through this
Whether it be torture, a good word, or a comment or two
Thank you all as tomorrow will be true
The one-week tea-fast is over
The future nevermore
I don’t know why but a poem seemed to be the perfect way to describe these seven days. I even made to midnight without a sip. I want make my first cup a special one that can be savored. Peacefully drunk whilst looking out the window at the falling snow. I am surprised I didn’t just dive in at first opportunity. I feel good, I feel happy, and I am certainly thrilled to have all of you supporting me all the way.
Forgive my writing, as I haven’t written a poem since high school. Please no one take offense with anything in my poem. Those who know me should know my sarcastic nature. Everything I said was out of love and I felt supported 100% of the time.
Special Thanks To: (I hope I didn’t forget anyone)
Jo, Jackie, Robert, Nicole (TeaForMePlease), Tea Moment, Ricardo, Xavier, Katrina, Lu Ann, Courtney, Melody, Nicole (AmazonV), Amy, Crystal, Linda, Eric, Cynthia, Verity, Chris, Cody, Michelle, Vivek, Tozy Tea, Hilda, ChouchouThes, William, Ripping Yarns, Sara, Sip Tea, Teaconomics, Robyn, Jennifer F, Cody G, James, Michael C & the Sunday Tea Salon, and everyone else routing for me silently. I love you guys! If I forgot anyone I am really sorry. Please don’t be upset with me. I am just working on my first cup while writing this.
Most of all I’d like to offer extra special thanks to my husband Ralph and daughter Alexandria for putting up with me during this past week. Your patience and efforts have not gone unnoticed.
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