This is my return to blogging. I am taking a different route this time. Hence the title “PIVOT!” Read more →
Category: About Me

Chasing My Dreams and Tea By My Side
First, I’d like to thank everyone for their patience as it as been a while since my last formal entry. As most of my readers know I have been investing in myself over the last two years and am continuing on doing so this year. I am hoping in 2020 I will finally see clearly my path for my future… Read more →

Food Detective Diary: Entry One
It’s been a struggle these near past three years. I have completely transformed my body and relationship with food. However, I still struggle to find a balance that my body and I will be happy with. Overall my journey has been a successful one. By any account it is safe to say I have beaten all odds. I’ve lost over one hundred pounds and… Read more →

The Bad, The Ugly, A New Hope for 2017?
The Bad, The Ugly, A New Hope for 2017? This was one of those years where I found that even a cup of tea wasn’t enough to lick my wounds, lift my spirits, and bring me peace. Let’s face it 2016 was not a good year. Maybe you had an amazing year or even one you could live with. I… Read more →

“Cut The Cheese” So Now This
Just got home from a family and friends vacation to Door County Wisconsin. Imagine quint little towns, adorable shops, plus cheese and wine as far as the eye can see. First the scenery really forces you to relax. It was perfect timing. I needed a mental break from the election. Naturally, we had family time. My little guy below is a… Read more →

Why I Don’t Write Anymore
*Drinking Afternoon Tea from Lupicia Fresh Tea. A robust, yet rounded black tea blend of Assam and Darjeeling. Perfect to push me through when I need to focus. Paired with a dark chocolate peanut butter cup from Trader Joes. That one speaks for itself. Delicious! Believe it or not this isn’t going to be as salacious as it sounds. There… Read more →

Good Tea + Classic Movie = Inspiration
Good Tea + Classic Movie = Inspiration The following post is sort of a two part deal. Mostly inspiration with a splash of tea. It is sort of a weird post but I wanted you all to know where I was coming from. Funny how when combined magical things can happen, even a moment of clarity. The Movie… The Tea…… Read more →

The Future of iHeartTeas The Blog
The Future of iHeartTeas The Blog Over the last few months there have been doing some gradual changes to my blog format. Part of the change is that I have moved away from my retail site. I decided I much rather write about tea then sell tea for profit. The logistics of business just wasn’t for me and frankly I… Read more →
Pairing Tea and Rants
Frustrated today. Beyond scatter brained, though that’s like any other day for me. I happen to run best on organized chaos. Yes, I know that doesn’t make much sense but it does for me. Today is just plain chaos and from it I need organization to function. I’m trying hard to find the end of the string to unravel this… Read more →

New Year, New Me, Keeping Accountable
I know the chances are slim this post will get the type of traffic my tea posts would get and that is just fine. This one is for me. Years from now or perhaps later this year I can look back and see how I’ve kept myself accountable for the plans I have made. Of course my plans are within… Read more →

I Am Ready 2016
I’m Ready 2016 First here is a little summary of 2015. This year is quit possibly the biggest for personal achievement I have ever had in my entire 38 years of existence. I don’t count in there the birth of my children or the day I met, fell in love with, and then married the man of my dreams and… Read more →

Another Personal Fit Milestone Accomplished
Today I weighed the lowest I’ve ever weighed. Lower than even when my husband and I first met over 20 years ago. Lower than when I was in High School. Lower than I can even remember. Though I know lower isn’t always better I feel for me it makes sense. Why? First, I’m short. Like really short so I could… Read more →