Not sure about everyone else but the days of proper tea seem more a luxury than a common place occurrence anymore. Growing up I remember sitting around the table with my parents enjoying a cup of chai and traditional sweet, salty, and savory snacks from India. We talked, but most of all we took our time to savor the moment. It is as if time stood still and everything else could just wait.
Nowadays there are a plethora of iced teas, flavored tea, tea smoothies, and more available just about anywhere including your local gas station convenience store. Be it, not the best options but can hold you over in a pinch. That being said, I am all for the evolution we are seeing in the tea industry. So often I have run into people that turn their noses up at ready to drink bottled tea, have a coronary at the sight of a tea bag, you know who you are. I have to admit I usually avoid tea bags too. They don’t give those tea leaves enough room to spread thus not optimizing the steep. Plus, I’m not overly fond of the environmental impacts and the taste that my be impacting the flavor. However, I don’t judge others. One of the worst things is when people push or not push the health aspect of tea. Let’s be honest for just one moment. If you are drinking tea to cure a disease it’s likely not going to happen. However, if you drinking tea to help elimate pop or other high in sugar drinks, you are making a healthy choice. Just remember to keep things in prospective. Pinkies up or pinkies down, I’m all for people just drinking the stuff.
Believe me you are no less a tea enthusiast if you enjoy flavored tea or tea in bags. I won’t judge you. I may encourage you to try loose leaf tea and if you need help I’ll gladly assist. I understand that bags are easy and loose leaf can be intimidating. Riding a bike without training wheels was intimidating too but now in hindsight I see it was just a matter of trying. Soon making loose leaf tea will be like riding a bike, super easy.
In the mean I ask that we encourage all types of tea drinks, not look down on those who prefer something different than you.
Tea time still holds a special place in my heart. I have just evolved to add more to my repertoire. Get out there and explore. Like what you like, don’t like what you don’t like. There are no answers here. There is always room for more tea after all.
Below is just a small selection of nontraditional tea items I have tried.

Get out there and try it all. Don’t be a tea snob. It’s ok if you don’t like, just don’t knock it until you do.
Pinkies up…or not it’s your choice.
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