Hand Painted Matcha (Tea) Bowl

I just have have to share with a new matcha bowl that I had painted and had glazed.  I also put into it a message that saw on Pinterest on another mug that really spoke to me, “No Tea…No Work” and to that I say a rousing “Heck Yay!”  I plan on making more and will share them with you as I… Read more →

Lovely Ladies of Tea Trade

To My Lovely Ladies of Tea Trade, Today I wish you all a very Happy Mothers Day!  I know I am a day early but I am certain all of us will be fawned upon tomorrow and thus distracting us from our social media responsibilities so I decided to send you my best and my appreciation for all you do, today. I… Read more →

Fashionably Late To The Gaiwan Party?

As many of you know I just purchased two new Gaiwans.  I already had one but it was small and the material it is made of  a bit thin causing me to burn my fingers more than I’d prefer.   I actually stopped using my Gaiwan mostly because it was a bit cumbersome for me.  I am the type of… Read more →

New Additions To The Family

Just recently purchased two new Gaiwans for my rather lacking collection.  With the addition of these two I now have three.  I particularly like these because they are larger than the first one I have a the material is thicker and stronger making them better for everyday use.  The one I have always had is a bit more dainty and made of… Read more →

Review of iHeartTeas by Erin’s Tea

The ever so kind Erin of Erin’s Tea has done a review of iHeartTeas and I couldn’t be more excited.  Check it out and tell me what you think? Check out Erins Tea for more of her reviews and more information about the official iHeartTeas Launch Read more →

On A Bubble Tea Mission

Today I received my first ever bag of Tapioca Pearls (a.k.a. Boba) from Amazon. I am so very excited. It is my first time ever trying to make Bubble Tea at home. I have always gone to the mall and picked up a nice cool glass of either Milk Bubble Tea or a combination of Milk and Coconut Bubble Tea.… Read more →

Why Am I Addicted To Tea?

I often ask myself what it is about tea that has me coming back for more. I imagine many of you have asked yourself something similar as well. Here is my answer and I challenge you to answer this question as well. I’d love to hear about your reasons… 1. So many choices, endless possibilities, a flavor vacation all over… Read more →

My Coconut & Honey Matcha Latte Recipe

My Coconut & Honey Matcha Latte Recipe Ingredients: 2 tsp Matcha – I used Obubu Teas Matcha Hot Water – Enough to make a Matcha paste 2% Milk – 4oz Coconut Milk – 3oz Half & Half – 1oz Honey – 3 tsp or add to your taste Whipped Cream – Optional but delicious * Warning – Rich & Creamy… Read more →

Bringing Order to Chaos

Here is the simple explanation to what it is I am trying to do… Currently, iHeartTeas is just little old me trying to make room for new teas in my cupboard with the occasional custom blend I create using aforementioned tea.  I have had more success than I had ever anticipated with minimal to moderate effort.  That is the “Good… Read more →

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