thepuriTea Cold Brew Series #3 of 5 – Assam

Day #3 and I have decided to try the Assam. I have been battling a mild migraine and some intestinal pain so I thought the best tea for me would be a simple one. I am glad I tried this one. It was most definitely what the doctor ordered. Tea Name: Assam Tea Company: thepuriTea Tea Notes: Perfectly simple. Nothing… Read more →

thepuriTea Cold Brewed Series #1 of 5

As promised I would like to review a tea I cold brewed from thepuriTea. I plan on reviewing one a day and write a review of each via this blog. I prepared my sample using the “Cold Brew Method” I posted on this blog. Here goes… Tea Name: Emerald Needle Tea Company: thepuriTea Tea Notes: My initial reaction was surprise… Read more →

It’s Been Far Too Long

Oh my tea friends I have missed you. I have left you for far to long and now hope you can forgive me for my absence. So let me explain briefly. Simply put life got in the way and it had to be dealt with. So dare I say I lost interest in the things I enjoyed most with tea… Read more →

I’m Back! Plus A Preview…

Thank you everyone for being patient. Over the next 2 days I will get orders packaged and shipped out on Monday morning. Plus, over the next week, as long as this terrible head cold doesn’t keep me at its mercy I will also be posting information of what turned into my “Tea Trek Thru Maine” I will also be listing… Read more →

Time To Clean The Kettles…

Well, it is about that time. My kettles need washing and the doilies need cleaning. Ok, honestly I don’t have any doilies. This is just my way of saying that any orders placed between 8/14 & 8/26 won’t be shipped out until the following week. I will be on vacation hunting for new teas to feature here on for… Read more →

SanctuaryT Iced Tea Contest Submission

Hi everyone, today I have decided to submit a cold brew recipe on the SanctuaryT website with the hope of winning the contest. Today I ask for your vote. It is a wonderful recipe that results in a creamy thirst quenching glass. Please check out my recipe for “Cold Brewed” Coconut Pouchong and please vote for me. Special thanks… Read more →

How I Made My Matcha Latté

Today I will provide brief instructions on a Basic Matcha Latté that I enjoy quite a bit. I will include information based on my specific recipe and preferences. You may find your tastes will require minor adjustments to the recipe but this should get you started. What You Will Need : 2 teaspoons Ceremonial Grade Matcha Note: The better the… Read more →

“My” Cold Brew Method

Recently, I was asked about my cold brewing technique by Andrea, a wonderful tea friend of mine. So at her request, I decided to share my process. Keep in mind there was a lot of trial and error and this method I have fine tuned works perfect for me but may not work for you. However, I am certain with… Read more →

Breaking A Hard Habit

As so many of you already know I am have been cold brewing a lot of my teas lately and it isn’t just because it is hot around here but in fact there is another core reason I have yet to share. It seems I have a problem… I am addicted to Adagio’s Green Anteadote RTD bottles. I have been… Read more →

What Would You Do?

So as it turns out there is a person out there with the name Tea Geek and as some of you know I have recently started a website called TeaGeeks. The differences are of course one website is “.net” and mine is “.com” and I have a “s” on the end of my name and he doesn’t. I found out… Read more →

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