My house guest has officially departed. Which means back to normal life for us. Which also means more “me” time. For me that includes not just drinking tea but writing about tea too. It also means creating with tea and believe it or not activities unrelated to tea. I am certain there were a gasp or two when reading that. Let… Read more →
Tag: matcha love

And Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming
If there is one thing predictable about life is it’s unpredictability. It has been a while since I last posted. Maybe a little over a week now. It’s been crazy at the Carter House. This is my daughters last week of school so naturally this means chaos. Mass hysteria about which dress to wear, how to do her hair, and… Read more →

Matcha vs Sencha Challenge Day 6
Rough start today. Son woke up kind of early and I was so tired from all the craziness from yesterday that I truly wanted to just stay in bed. Of course this is never an option for the mom on the go. So I get up against my own good judgement and soldier on. It helps that on the ride… Read more →

Matcha vs Sencha Challenge Day 5
I’ll make this one quick. I plan on tomorrow’s post to be the final of the daily series. I will still continue the challenge for an entire month and will post once a week until the month is up. I would have continued daily but I’ll be honest it is a bit much for me plus I don’t think there… Read more →

Matcha vs Sencha Challenge Day 4
“One of the most predictable thing about life is just how unpredictable it really is.” I am sure this quote originated somewhere more amazing then where I first heard it which was in the Disney movie Ratatouille. I said last week that this week was going to be business as usual and it has proven to be far from that.… Read more →

Matcha vs Sencha Challenge Day 2
Day 2: Unexpected * I’ll make this quick and will start by saying I’m not a doctor and my results are my own. I exercise 5 days a week and follow a strict diet high in protein, low in calories, low in sugar, and moderate on carbs. I normally drank the Ito En Sencha Shot before my workout I am now trying… Read more →

Matcha Mint Tequila Martini
Back home after an amazing trip to Long Beach, CA for the World Tea Expo. Enjoyed catching up with friends, meeting new friends, of course trying new products and in usual fashion I have taken a couple of samples I received and made something brand new. Of course I couldn’t disappoint my adoring fans, thus a new tea cocktail is born. I… Read more →