Ravings of a Tea & Wellness Fanatic! Read more →

Ravings of a Tea & Wellness Fanatic! Read more →
Rough start today. Son woke up kind of early and I was so tired from all the craziness from yesterday that I truly wanted to just stay in bed. Of course this is never an option for the mom on the go. So I get up against my own good judgement and soldier on. It helps that on the ride… Read more →
I’ll make this one quick. I plan on tomorrow’s post to be the final of the daily series. I will still continue the challenge for an entire month and will post once a week until the month is up. I would have continued daily but I’ll be honest it is a bit much for me plus I don’t think there… Read more →
This morning I woke up with a bang. My FitBit Charge HR says I slept alright though I wish I had less “restless” time. Better than most nights though since I got in almost 8 hours which is something I try to do. Sleep is so important and can be over looked for its value. I will not make that… Read more →
Stop now if you are looking for facts, scientific mumbo-jumbo, or anything that may suggest without a shadow of a doubt that tea is a super power. The information I will be providing is purely based on my experiences and my interpretation of the results I have achieved. I have hydrated with water just as most do. However, I currently… Read more →
My Recent Shenanigans! Not sure what is happening. All of the sudden I have the urge to create more than I can make. I want to make new bath bombs, facial masks, solid shampoo bars, and hair conditioner. Of course new drink concoctions too. Not exactly new tea blends but new drink recipes for the blends I already have. Some… Read more →
First, thank you “The Tea Spot” for allowing me the opportunity to test and officially become addicted to the Steep & Chill. Initial Use: I followed the directions as stated on the packaging. Features: As listed on The Tea Spot website Borosilicate glass iced tea pitcher Large volume loose leaf infuser Solid ice tube freezer core Dishwasher safe BPA-free Makes… Read more →