Ravings of a Tea & Wellness Fanatic! Read more →

Ravings of a Tea & Wellness Fanatic! Read more →
*Its been that kind of year for iHeartTeas. Holiday 2016 Edition Wait! How did this happen? Christmas is literally less than a couple of weeks away. Time seems to move faster and faster the older I get and the older I get, the more rigid I become. It’s scary what I see when I envision older future self clearer everyday.… Read more →
Just got home from a family and friends vacation to Door County Wisconsin. Imagine quint little towns, adorable shops, plus cheese and wine as far as the eye can see. First the scenery really forces you to relax. It was perfect timing. I needed a mental break from the election. Naturally, we had family time. My little guy below is a… Read more →
My passion without a doubt is tea. I have devoted hours, days, and years to drinking it, learning about it, and even writing about it. However, I am a woman of many desires and passions. For example wine or more specifically red wine. I typically enjoy between 3-5oz of red wine about 4 times a week. Generally I have wine… Read more →
Day two and we are barely surviving these frigid temperatures. Each year it feels as if it is getting worse or perhaps the older I get the less tolerant I become. Yesterday schools were closed and I spent the day cleaning, organizing, and packing away Christmas decorations. Five hours later it was all gone and the house looked amazing. The… Read more →
What an exciting experiment. Let me give you a little background. I was recently inspired to make this concoction with slight variation of course when I heard about from Nicole Martin also know as @TeaForMePlease during a Ladies Tea Trade Hangout on Google+ with @Jackie and @jopj. ~By the way, if you are interested in joining a hangout contact @Jackie… Read more →