Below I have linked all of my blog posts related to my week long tea-fast so that they can easily be found in one location for easy referencing. Click on the image and you will be redirected to the blog post you desire. Thank you & Enjoy! Pre-Tea Fast Pre-Tea Fast Tea-Fast Day 1 Tea-Fast Day 2 Tea-Fast Day 3… Read more →
Post Tea-Fast: The Day After
Post Tea-Fast: The Day After Final Tea-Fast Series Post Events from: 3/18/2013 Documented: 3/20/2013 Finally the tea-fast is over and what have a learned? A few things! First, and foremost I learned never to tea-fast ever again. The only reason I would consider stoping my tea consumption is if I had no other choice. I imagine medical reasons to… Read more →
Tea-Fast: Day 7 – The End Is Here!
Tea-Fast: Day 7 – The End Is Here! Events From: 3/17/2013 (St. Patrick’s Day) Documented: 3/18/2013 The Journey The seconds tick by slowly. My friends and family members try to annoy me. Out of love they say Jolly games they play Tealeaves and brew you show me Angst fills my heart, my mind, my cup but I will not… Read more →
Tea-Fast: Day 6 – Gettin’ Antsy!!!
Tea-Fast: Day 6 – Gettin’ Antsy!!! Events From: 3/16/13 Documented: 3/17/13 Once I made the realization that my hypotheses was totally wrong. It’s great to know I am not as physically dependent to tea as I once suspected and feared I may have been. Problem is now I am excited and what better way to celebrate than with a cup… Read more →
Tea-Fast Day 5: Rise of the Phoenix
Tea-Fast Day 5: Rise of the Phoenix (Thanks for helping to provide the perfect description @Xavier) Events from: 3/15/2013 Documented: 3/16/2013 I feel a sense of clarity now that I have completed five days going on six without tea. I did give into the temptation by way of tisanes and herbals but only a few times, though it isn’t tea… Read more →
Why Tea-Fasting Can Be Good For Business
Why Tea-Fasting Can Be Good For Business In case your wondering if tea fasting can be good for business? Absolutely, but only in the case where the tea faster is so incredibly obsessed with tea that not a moment passes when he/she can wait for their tea-fast to be over. Of course I am referring to an anonymous person. Tea-He!… Read more →
Tea-Fast: Day 4 – Crawling Towards The Finish Line
Tea-Fast: Day 4 – Crawling Towards The Finish Line Events From: 3/14/2013 Documented: 3/15/2013 Yesterday marks a major milestone. I am made it past the halfway point. Hurray, let the confetti fly, the fireworks burst, and tea all around. Well, except for me but please enjoy a cup for me. The task has become considerably more challenging. … Read more →
Tea-Fast: Day 3 – Almost Halfway
Tea-Fast: Day 3 – Almost Halfway Events from: 3/13/13 Documented: 3/14/13 Journey Thus Far: I am thrilled I have nearly made it past the halfway point. However, I am starting to question my resolve. Why, did I do this? Sometimes I can be so impetuous, I believe this to be a positive and sometimes negative character trait. In other words… Read more →
Tea-Fast Day 2: Mood Swings
Tea-Fast Day 2: Mood Swings Events From: 3/12/13 Documented: 3/13/13 First and most importantly I am still hanging in there. I am starting to wonder if this fast was really a good decision. I am finding myself frustrated. I want to reach for a cup and I am reminded I can’t. My drink choices are dull and tasteless. I am… Read more →
Tea-Fast: Day One – It Begins
Tea-Fast: Day 1 – It Begins Events of: 3/11/13 Written: 3/12/13 So far I’ve made it one day. It wasn’t terrible. The toughest part was replacing tea for something else. Driving home from dropping off my daughter to school my first thought was to make a cup of tea. Of course, then reality sunk in. So instead I have been… Read more →
Pre-Tea Fast Jitters
Pre-Tea Fast Jitters 2 Days Prior to Tea Fast Oh my gosh! What was I thinking? The big day is just around the corner. In preparation for my fast I have been enjoying some of my finer teas that I have been saving for a special occasion. ~ Note to self – Stop saving teas no matter how rare, costly,… Read more →
My Cup Has Runneth Dry
My Cup Has Runneth Dry Tea Free For A Week – Challenge Starting 3/11/2013 As promised this will be epic, seven days free of tea. I am a certified tea addict. I have in all respects replaced water and nearly every other beverage with tea everyday for more then a decade. There hasn’t been a single day I haven’t… Read more →