My first impression when I unboxed this teacup was just how large it was. I didn’t expect to be as large as it was. Of course, I did not pay any attention to the dimensions that I am certain were clearly stated on Amazon’s site. Nevertheless, once I got over the initial shock, I decided to give my new teacup… Read more →
It’s True…I Ate My Sencha
Please don’t cringe. It all sort of happened by accident and because of my inability to restrain myself. Yesterday during our bi-weekly “Ladies of Tea Trade” Google+ Hangout I decided to finally partake in an indulgence so graciously provided by @Jopj. It was a vibrant, deep emerald green Sencha. The leaves were thin and almost silky in appearance. Just looking… Read more →
Milk Oolong Infused Vodka – Recipe
For those who aren’t aware I do enjoy experimenting and including tea in every aspect of my life whenever possible. One of my favorite things to do is infusing teas with a few of my other favorite beverages. My experiment today involves “Milk Oolong” a personal favorite and vodka. Not a difficult experiment at all so it had to be… Read more →
Mechanics of My Mind
Ever find that sometimes it is better to just write out or talk out some of your thoughts and ideas for a little mental order? I am at the point where I think my best outlet for order is to write it out here. As many of you already know I run my own modest business called iHeartTeas which is… Read more →
Curious: Golden Monkey Infused Merlot
What an exciting experiment. Let me give you a little background. I was recently inspired to make this concoction with slight variation of course when I heard about from Nicole Martin also know as @TeaForMePlease during a Ladies Tea Trade Hangout on Google+ with @Jackie and @jopj. ~By the way, if you are interested in joining a hangout contact @Jackie… Read more →
Ramblings of A Happy Woman
Gosh, do you ever get that feeling of shear happiness? You know the feeling where everything in your life just feels perfect regardless if it is or not? It just so happens that I am experiencing that rare form or euphoria right now and felt what better time than now to write a blog post capturing my ever so fast… Read more →
Tea Review: Berry Rooibos from EPI Tea
Thank you again EPI Tea for sending along this little gem for me to sample and review. Berry Rooibos – #2 of 4 Tea: Berry Rooibos (Rooibos Tisane) – Pyramid Bag Steep Time: 10 mins (As Recommended) Water: 6 oz at 208F Review: I found this cup to be spot on. Just that right amount of berry flavor without the fear… Read more →
Review: Organic Irish Breakfast from EPI Tea
Thank you to EPI Tea for sending me several samples of teas to review. I have decided to start with Irish Breakfast this morning. The biggest reason is because it is still fairly early in the morning and who am I kidding, I could use a little wake up call. Tea: Organic Irish Breakfast (Black Tea) – Pyramid Bag Steep Time:… Read more →
I Love My Job!
Back from a rather long trip visiting family in Maine and I am eager to start refocusing my energy back to iHeartTeas. I have so much planned before the end of the year and want to share my excitement with you. I have plans to add new products, that I am sure will get the attention they deserve. I am… Read more →
2nd Time Around at Dobrá (Portland, ME)
Let’s paint a picture. Two hour drive from Bangor, Maine to Portland with husband driving about 75 mph, me in the passenger seat. Hanging on with a few white knuckle moments. Mother in-law and five year old daughter in the back seat. I’ll let your imagination fill in the blanks there. First stop is Dobrá Tea in downtown Portland, Maine.… Read more →
World Tea Expo: The Video (In Korean)
Here is a video of the World Tea Expo that was aired on a popular Asian laugage TV station LA 18. I’m sure those who understand Korean will get the most from this video. For the rest of use you’ll be able to see the show floor, listen to interviews of people attending, and running the show in English. For… Read more →
Another Tea Sample? – World Tea Expo Day #1
It’s been about a week since we have been back from the Expo. We meaning myself and my husband Ralph. It’s been an interesting week at that just trying to see if I can’t put my thoughts together onto virtual paper. This was our first exclusively tea Expo and I feel we saw and learned so much that the idea… Read more →