Ravings of a Tea & Wellness Fanatic! Read more →

Ravings of a Tea & Wellness Fanatic! Read more →
Don’t Blame The Tea If traveling has taught me anything about tea is that it nearly ever tastes as it does at home. Sometimes it comes close but most usually it doesn’t hold candle to the flavor at home. It is important for this very reason we don’t judge a tea by its geography. You must be curious why. It’s… Read more →
Yikes! 2017 just got started and it already feels like the longest year ever. With planning my daughter’s tenth birthday party and my twentieth wedding anniversary I think I am finally starting to lose it. Both of the parties are so big and elaborate that I actually have contracts for each. Yes a contract for a future ten year olds… Read more →
Best Teas of 2016 Yes, there were good times. However, for me the bad outweighed the good in 2016. I am truly hoping 2017 has some good news for us. I for one, plan on helping to make sure 2017 will far exceed 2016. Nevertheless, the one thing that has remained vigilant is tea. This year I shifted my focus… Read more →
*Its been that kind of year for iHeartTeas. Holiday 2016 Edition Wait! How did this happen? Christmas is literally less than a couple of weeks away. Time seems to move faster and faster the older I get and the older I get, the more rigid I become. It’s scary what I see when I envision older future self clearer everyday.… Read more →
*Drinking Afternoon Tea from Lupicia Fresh Tea. A robust, yet rounded black tea blend of Assam and Darjeeling. Perfect to push me through when I need to focus. Paired with a dark chocolate peanut butter cup from Trader Joes. That one speaks for itself. Delicious! Believe it or not this isn’t going to be as salacious as it sounds. There… Read more →
Week of July 25-31 2016 Seems until Summer Vacation is over and school is in session I’ll be posting more tea recaps for the week. Honestly these are super fun blog posts to do. It isn’t because they are quicker than most but more because they take me down memory lane. They give me insight into what mood I was… Read more →
My Life Steeped In Tea Week: July 11-17 2016 Pokèmon & Puerh It’s true I have jumped on the Pokèmon Go band wagon. Naturally I needed to find a way to get my Pokèmon to share a cup of tea with me. Here I have a Weedle joining me for a little Puerh . The puerh and Pokèmon pairing is essentially… Read more →
Micro-Blogging with Tea Photography If you are at all familiar with my work you know that I love tea and using tea in both traditional yet more often nontraditional ways. As much as I enjoy writing and sharing content with you I don’t always have the time to dedicate the amount of time I really need. My primary function is “full… Read more →
*Image from The Daily Tea Back in 2013 The Daily Tea approached me about writing an article and offering up a couple DIY beauty recipes using tea as a main ingredient. Of course I didn’t want to miss an opportunity like that. If you would like to check out my recipes and the article I wrote visit The Daily Tea.… Read more →
Part 2 of 2 In part one of two featuring the Tea Infuser Mug from American Tea Room I showed you a few of the features the mug has to offer. A few of my favorites start with the infuser basket that clicks securely into the mug, its large capacity, and clear glass design. In part two you will see… Read more →
One of my favorite things just happened on October 23, 2015. A tea tasting with some of my most favorite tea friends and bloggers. This particular event was hosted and coordinated by none other than the wonderful Jo Johnson (@jopj) of Scandalous Tea (aka @agiftoftea). As many of you already know she is quite the talented jewelry maker, her muse the… Read more →